FAA Ransom Drug and Alcohol testing Program for 121 Carriers, 135 Carriers, 145 Fixed Base Operators FAA 14 CFR part 120
FMSCA Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for Motor Carriers 49 CFR Part 382
FRA Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for Federal Railway Administration CFR Part 382
FTA Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for Federal Transit Administration 49 CFR Part 655
PHMSA Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PHMSA 49 CFR Parts 192, 193 or 195
We also formulate and customize how your company will deal with a worker who tests positive or refuses in your written random drug and alcohol testing program. The Federal Rule is the worker must be taken off the covered job. You can customized what else happens to your worker such terminate the worker and not rehire, or terminate and rehire on a case by case basis. If your company already has a written Random Drug and Alcohol Test policy, our staff will review it to make certain it complies with current US DOT regulations.
Alcohol Breath Tests are required by the US DOT at a minimum rate of 10 percent per year. These Alcohol Breath Tests are performed at Collection Sites near you by Certified Breath Alcohol Test Technicians trained to Collect Alcohol Breath Test samples according to Federal Regulations with devices approved by the National Highway Administration. Alcohol Breath Test Results are reported to you immediately by the Alcohol Breath Test Collection Site.
While the minimum rate of Random testing for Breath Alcohol Tests is 10 percent. That means if you have 100 workers in the pool you are required to do 10 tests per year. If a company wishes to test more there is no upper limit for alcohol testing. You can test your workers every day.
While alcohol is a legal substance in the United States, workers covered under the DOT are Prohibited from drinking 4 hours before beginning the covered job. 4 hours bottle to throttle. Covered Workers regulated by FAA drug testing have the same prohibition for mechanics. But Flight Crew are Prohibited from using alcohol 8 hours before coming to work, while at work and breaks and lunch. A worker who is not doing a covered job cannot be tested for alcohol with an Alcohol Breath Test.
In most states a .08 result for Breath Alcohol Test is considered being under the influence and impaired. In the DOT world a .04 Breath Alcohol Test level is considered positive meaning the worker did not follow the prohibition of not drinking alcohol for 4 hours before beginning the covered job.
If a Alcohol Breath Test returns at .02 to .039, the worker cannot be allowed to do his covered job. He must be sent home. If the worker has a Breath Alcohol Test below .02, he is allowed to perform the covered function. Random Breath Alcohol Testing should be performed before, during or immediately after the covered job
Norton Medical Industries has a network of 4,000 Collection Sites Nationwide that conduct DOT Urine Drug Tests, Non-DOT Urine Drug Tests and Breath Alcohol Tests.
DOT Urine Drug Tests must be collected using Chain of Custody Forms as written in the Federal Register, which Norton Medical Industries provides, and Performed by SAMHSA certified laboratories. The test screens for the five substances required by law including Marijuana (THC), Cocaine, Amphetamines (Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, MDMA, MDA, and MDEA), Opiates (Codeine, Morphine, 6-AM (heroin), Oxycodone Oxymorphone, Hydrocodone and Hydromorphone), and Phencyclidine (PCP). These labs have processed millions of tests and successfully withstood legal challenges of their results.
A Compliance Officer from Norton Medical’s Client Relations Department will manage your company’s Random Drug and Alcohol Test program and will assist you during every phase of the program.
Norton Medical will arrange for Urine Drug and Alcohol Tests collection at one of over 6A,000 of subcontracted collection locations throughout the United States. We will find the location most convenient for you and your employees for their Random DOT drug tests and Breath Alcohol Tests.
Norton Medical has a full time Medical Review Officer on staff trained in the Federal Drug and Alcohol Abatement program. Each drug test result is reviewed. We are committed to protecting both employee and employer. Alcohol Breath Tests are reported directly to the company representative from the Collection Site
Norton Medical provides access to a network of substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) who are qualified and trained to evaluate a worker’s drug problem and can refer the covered worker for assistance with their drug abuse problem and can write a go back to worker letter complying with Department of Transportation’s requirements after they have had a refusal or a positive DOT Drug Test or Breath Test.
Norton Medical helps you maintains strict control over each company’s employee census to generate accurate monthly, periodic, and annual reports. Random Selections for Drug and Alcohol Tests and Drug Tests are generated off-site at Norton Medical’s location.
Norton prepares and keeps all received records for your company’s Drug Tests and Breath Alcohol Tests. Records are kept at our location for a minimum of two years; Positive Records of Drug Tests and Breath Alcohol Tests for 5 years. Electronic records are kept indefinitely. In addition, Norton processes all Random Selections to ensure confidentiality and impartiality.
Norton Medical partners with VeriCorp to provide instant background checks that include a criminal record check upon employer request.
Norton Medical will provide support in the unlikely event a DOT Drug Test or Breath Alcohol Test result is legally challenged. The laboratory will provide a litigation package In addition Norton Medical can provide testimony if required.
Norton Medical will prepare reports requested by federal, state or city agencies. These reports may require documentation of drug and alcohol program education for workers and supervisors, evidence of pre-employment drug testing, random DOT drug testing and statistical summaries.
Norton provides Supervisor Education including the required two-hour supervisor training presentation via teleconference and written training materials. One hour of the effects of illicit drugs on the human body and how to identify a worker who may be under the effects of Drugs and a second hour on the affects of alcohol on the human body and how to identify a person under the influence of alcohol. We provide covered worker education materials in English and Spanish. Norton Medical offers on-site video training for supervisors. Our emphasis on education of both supervisor and employee elevates Norton Medical Industries over other drug and alcohol testing companies. We believe that a thorough knowledge of the effects of drugs and alcohol as well as familiarity with the law are the keys to successful prevention programs. Click Here to see more on our Educational Materials
Norton Medical will prepare and submit any reports required by any of your facilities.
Norton Medical Industries maintains long-term cooperative agreements with all the most respected SAMHSA-certified forensic laboratories including MedTox Scientific, Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp), Clinical Reference Laboratory (CRL), and Quest Diagnostics. Norton Medical empowers its client by offering competitive pricing for DOT and forensic testing, yet maintaining the personal customer service, flexibility and attention of a boutique firm.
We maintain a network of over 6000 collection sites throughout the United States, and we regularly establish new sites by contacting local medical clinics in areas needing coverage. As a Norton client, any employee of yours will be able to walk in to any collection site in the country and receive a drug test.
Norton Medical Industries offers blood alcohol content (BAC) Breath tests. Breath alcohol tests are conducted using a DOT approved breathalyzer that measures the breath alcohol to three decimal points.
Breath Alcohol Technicians are trained to perform breath alcohol tests using US DOT approved equipment. Alcohol breath analyzers are accurate to .001 measurements.
Workers covered under the DOT are prohibited from drinking 4 hours before beginning the covered job. That is 4 hours bottle to throttle. Covered Workers regulated by the FAA have the same prohibition. All Flight crew are prohibited from using alcohol 8 hours before beginning their covered job.
In most states a .08 alcohol is considered as being under the influence and impaired.
In the DOT world a .04 level is considered positive meaning the worker did not follow the prohibition of not drinking alcohol for 4 hours before beginning the covered job.
If alcohol test returns at .02 to .039 the worker cannot be allowed to do his covered job. He must be sent home. If the worker has an alcohol test below .02 he is allowed to perform the covered function. Random alcohol testing should be performed before, during or immediately after the covered job.
Alcohol is a legal substance in the United States. The prohibition is 4 or 8 hours for aviation flight crew before coming to work, while at work and breaks and lunch. A worker can be tested at the start of work, during work, and immediately after completing his covered job. A worker who is not doing the covered job such as driving a school bus cannot be tested for alcohol.
The minimum rate of random testing for alcohol is 10 percent. That means if you have 100 workers in the pool you are required to do 10 tests per year. If a company wishes to test more there is no upper limit for alcohol testing.
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Norton Medical Industries
6265 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 13 Van Nuys, CA 91411
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