Our DOT Random Drug Test and Non-DOT Random Drug Test Programs follow the exact standards set by the United States Department of Transportation 49 CFR part 40 requiring DOT Random Drug Test and DOT Breath Alcohol Testing of Safety-Sensitive Employees.
Random Drug Test for Trucking (FMCSA 49 CFR Part 382) see more
Random Drug Test Drug Test consortium for small FMCSA operators see more
Random Drug Test Program for Aviation (FAA 14 CFR part 120)
Random Drug Test Program for Railroads (CFR Part 382)
Random Drug Test Programs for Municipal Mass transit (FTA 49 CFR Part 655)
Pipeline Construction (PHMSA 49 CFR Parts 192, 193 or 195) and other transportation industries.
Random selections appear on the date of your next random period. If a worker is not available you can record why the worker was unavailable such as vacation, or retired, and you can produce an alternative from the random pool automatically on the web. No need to call.
Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance of the US DOT, ODAPC, publishes regulations and provides official interpretations on DOT random drug and alcohol breath testing, including how to conduct random drug tests and breath alcohol tests outlined in the Federal Register 49 CFR Part 40. Each random drug test is reviewed and Certified by a registered Certified Medical Review Officer. Alcohol Breath Tests are reported directly to the operator
Norton Medical establishes you with an account with a DOT approved laboratory to conduct your DOT random drug test program.. We offer testing locations near you for DOT Random Drug Testing and DOT Alcohol Breath Testing with trained, Certified DOT Drug Test Collectors and Certified Alcohol Breath Test Technicians.
Norton provides Random Drug Test Selections for DOT Drug Testing and DOT Breath Alcohol Testing using an approved computer driven system where every worker has an equal chance of being selected for a random drug test or alcohol breath test. Your online Dashboard allows you to select alternative workers for Random Drug Tests or alcohol Breath Tests should a worker be unable to test.
Secure Information on you random Drug Test Program on your Dashboard on the Internet. All your DOT Random Drug Test and DOT Alcohol Breath Test information is available 24/7 on your secure, web-based Dashboard. This Dashboard also has your random selections and worker lists. All the information required for a DOT audit for your company is maintained on your Dashboard too. We offer audit support if you have any trouble with finding information for your Random Test Program.
Supervisor Education and Covered Worker Education. Norton Medical provides required Random Drug Testing and Alcohol Testing Supervisor Education. Supervisor Education involves one hour on the effects of drugs on the body and how to identify a person using drugs and one hour on the effects of alcohol on the human body and how to identify a person using alcohol.
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Norton Medical Industries
6265 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 13 Van Nuys, CA 91411
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