Breath Alcohol Testing as Required by the US Department of Transportation in the Random Drug and Alcohol Test Program
Norton Medical Industries Drug and Alcohol Test Program provides blood alcohol content (BAC) Breath Alcohol Tests. Breath alcohol tests are conducted using a DOT approved breathalyzer that measures the breath alcohol to three decimal points as required by Federal Regulation Alcohol Breath Testing 49 CFR Part 40
Norton Medical Industries offers blood alcohol content (BAC) Breath Alcohol Tests. Breath alcohol tests are conducted using a DOT approved breathalyzer that measures the breath alcohol to three decimal points.001 measurements.
Workers covered under the Drug and Alcohol Test Program are prohibited from drinking 4 hours before beginning the covered job. That is 4 hours bottle to throttle. Covered Workers regulated by the FAA have the same prohibition. All Flight crew are prohibited from using alcohol 8 hours before beginning their covered job.
In most states a .08 alcohol is considered as being under the influence and impaired. In the DOT Drug and Alcohol Test Program world a Breath Alcohol Test .04 level is considered positive meaning the worker did not follow the Federal Drug and Alcohol Test Program prohibition of not drinking alcohol for 4 hours before beginning the covered job.
If alcohol test returns at .02 to .039 the worker cannot be allowed to do his covered job. He must be sent home. If the worker has an alcohol test below .02 he is allowed to perform the covered function. Random breath alcohol testing should be performed before, during or immediately after the covered job as required under the Federal Drug and Alcohol Test Program.
Alcohol is a legal substance in the United States. The prohibition is 4 or 8 hours for aviation flight crew before coming to work, while at work and breaks and lunch. A worker can be tested at the start of work, during work, and immediately after completing his covered job. A worker who is not doing the covered job such as driving a school bus cannot be tested with a Breath Alcohol Test under the rules of the federal Drug and Alcohol Test Program.
The minimum rate of random testing for Breath Alcohol Testing under the Federal Drug and Alcohol Test Program is 10 percent. That means if you have 100 workers in the pool you are required to do 10 Breath Alcohol Test per year. If a company wishes to test more there is no upper limit for alcohol testing. Under the Federal Drug and Alcohol Test Program you can test workers every day if you choose.
Did you know that a driver is prohibited to consume alcohol 4 hours prior to working? As the saying goes, “4 Hours Bottle To Throttle.” The Federal Drug and Alcohol Test Program has prevented accidents and saved lives