99% of criminals Commit Crimes Where They Live National, Local and Regional Criminal Background Checks ONLY
It’s Not About Price. It’s About Quality.Hands on Review of Results with Strong Attention to Detail
99% of criminals Commit Crimes Where They Live National, Local and Regional Criminal Background Checks ONLY
It’s Not About Price. It’s About Quality.Hands on Review of Results with Strong Attention to Detail
Information System shows states in which a driver held a commercial driver license in last 3-4 years.
Driving records in those states the driver held a Commercial Driving License.
Employment verification includes: dates of employment as well as report of Company internal violations
Such as accidents not included in the driving record.
National Driver License Register Search including all release forms with package..
Records for FAA License from FAA showing qualifications.
FAA Employment Records for all past air carriers past 5 years.
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program verification.
Flight Training Verification in the employment records of previous employers.
Social Security Verification with address history for past 7 to 10 years.
Social Security Number Verification that applicant name matches verified social security number.
Address History for past 7 years.
County Level Criminal Record This fee will cover 90% of workers. Workers in NY MA will have
Additional costs due to state required record access costs.
Social Security Number Verification For Birth Date And Name. Confirms whether the Social Security Number was actually issued to the employee by the U.S, government.
Criminal search in-depth criminal records search based on address history. This search method is proven to be more reliable in uncovering criminal records than the average “national searches”. Conviction history Per State or County.
Sex Offender Registry Search National.
National Wants and Warrants. Includes federal, State & International warrants (does not include restraining orders).
Address History Trace For Last 7 – 10 years as is available
Confirms whether the Social Security Number was actually issued to the employee by the U.S, government
ADDRESS HISTORY: Trace For Last 7 – 10 years as is available in the database
In-depth criminal records search based on address history. This search method is proven to be more reliable in uncovering criminal records than the average “national searches” Historically people do crimes close to home. Conviction history Per State or County
Includes federal, State & International warrants (does not include restraining orders)
FEDERAL CRIME SEARCH: Looks for convictions for federal crimes
Based on address history. This search method is proven to be more reliable in uncovering records than the average “national searches” civil records history per state or county includes all jurisdictions.
Current driving record based on applicant’s name and driver license number. Information includes tickets, accidents and if license is current/valid. Per State:
Very important in evaluating a prospective employee because it shows how people conduct their lives. It shows credit payment history, and may show judgments, past employers.
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